Ford F-750 Driver Disregards Weight Limits, Collides with Maine’s Oldest Covered Bridge | Giga Gears

Overweight Truck Causes Damage to Historic Covered Bridge in Maine

Overweight Truck Causes Damage to Historic Covered Bridge in Maine

Overweight Truck Causes Damage to Historic Covered Bridge in Maine


A historic covered bridge in Maine suffered significant damage when an overweight truck attempted to cross it. The incident occurred at Babb’s Bridge, a wooden structure that spans the Presumpscot River and connects Gorham and Windham. The bridge’s floor collapsed under the weight of the Ford F-750 truck, resulting in a large hole and the closure of the bridge. Local authorities are now working on repairing the historic bridge.

The Incident

The incident took place on Friday, August 23, when the driver of a loaded Ford F-750 ignored warning signs and attempted to cross Babb’s Bridge. The truck, estimated to be 30,000 lbs over the bridge’s weight limit, caused the wooden floor to give way, resulting in a gaping hole. Fortunately, the driver only sustained minor injuries, and no one else was hurt in the incident. The heavy vehicle was later towed out with the assistance of a crane, revealing significant damage to its bodywork.

Consequences and Repairs

The Gorham Police Department reported that the Ford F-750 was carrying crushed gravel at the time of the incident. The driver was issued a $2,500 citation for driving a 36,000-pound truck across the bridge, well above its weight limit of 3 tons. The bridge, which was originally built in 1840 but reconstructed in the 1970s, will require extensive repairs. It is estimated that the bridge will remain closed until spring to allow for the sourcing of period-correct lumber and the restoration of the damaged structure. In the meantime, commuters who relied on the bridge will need to find alternate routes.

Lessons Learned

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of following weight limit signs and warnings. While the bridge itself did not have weight limit signs, there were clear warnings on both ends of Hurricane Road leading to the bridge. The driver’s disregard for these signs resulted in significant damage and the closure of the bridge. The truck company has offered to assist with the cost of repairs, which are expected to be substantial.


The damage caused by the overweight truck to Babb’s Bridge in Maine highlights the need for caution and adherence to weight limits when crossing historic structures. The incident has prompted local authorities to prioritize the restoration of the bridge, ensuring its preservation for future generations. The closure of the bridge until spring will inconvenience commuters, but it is necessary to ensure the safety and integrity of the historic structure.

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