Ford Recalls More Cars in 2024 Than GM, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, VW, and BMW Combined

Ford Leads in Vehicle Recalls in 2024

Ford has taken the lead in vehicle recalls for the first half of 2024, issuing 31 recalls affecting almost 3.7 million vehicles. This places them at the top of the list, ahead of other major automakers.

Tesla and GM Follow Behind

Tesla, known for its innovative technology, follows Ford with eight recalls impacting 2.6 million vehicles. On the other hand, GM has only recalled 655,867 vehicles in the same period, showing a significant difference compared to Ford.

Ford’s Consistent Recall Trend

Ford’s recall trend continues from the previous year, where they were ranked lowest in quality control due to the number of recalls and affected vehicles. With 31 recalls already in 2024, Ford is facing a challenging year in terms of vehicle safety.

Ford’s Recall Challenges

Despite being a top-selling automaker, Ford has faced challenges with recalls. Some of the major recalls in 2024 include issues with F-150 trucks and Bronco Sports, highlighting the importance of addressing safety concerns promptly.

Comparison with Other Automakers

While Ford leads in recalls, other automakers like GM, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, VW, and BMW combined have issued fewer recalls. This raises concerns about Ford’s quality control measures and the need for improvement.

Recall Statistics for Jan-Jun 2024

In the first half of 2024, Ford tops the list with 31 recalls affecting 3,660,752 vehicles. Tesla and Chrysler follow closely behind, emphasizing the importance of addressing safety issues in a timely manner.

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