Ford’s Plan to Patent Eavesdropping Infotainment System for Ads | Giga Gears

Ford’s New Patent Application for In-Vehicle Advertisements

Ford’s New Patent Application for In-Vehicle Advertisements

Ford's New Patent Application for In-Vehicle Advertisements


Car companies are constantly exploring innovative ways to increase their revenue. Ford, in particular, has recently applied for a patent that involves using interior microphones to deliver targeted ads based on conversations within the vehicle. While this technology may or may not be implemented in future Ford vehicles, it highlights the potential for personalized advertising in the automotive industry.

The Patent Application

Known as “IN-VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT PRESENTATION SYSTEMS AND METHODS,” Ford’s patent application (20240289844) outlines various methods for presenting targeted ads to vehicle occupants. For example, the system can analyze navigation data to determine the driver’s destination and display relevant ads accordingly. Additionally, the microphone can be utilized during voice commands to identify potential products or services of interest to the driver. The system may even monitor the driver’s reactions to ads to refine future ad presentations.

Potential Implications

While the implementation of this technology remains uncertain, it is not surprising given the current trend of companies utilizing consumer data. Ford’s patent application reflects the growing interest in leveraging in-vehicle technology for targeted advertising. However, it is important to consider the privacy concerns associated with such systems.


As of now, it is unclear whether Ford will incorporate this technology into their vehicles. However, the patent application serves as a reminder of the ongoing efforts to monetize in-car experiences. It remains to be seen how consumers will respond to personalized advertisements within their vehicles and whether privacy concerns will impact the adoption of such technology.

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