“Former FAA Official: Aviation Still Dominated by Men”

Fox News Blows Up Over Inclusionary Language Recommendations from Pilot Union

It seems like a slow news day for Fox News as they are currently making a big deal out of inclusionary language recommendations that were actually made by the world’s largest commercial pilot union three years ago.

What’s the Fuss About?

Fox News is up in arms over some recommendations for inclusive language that were proposed by the largest commercial pilot union. The recommendations were made three years ago, but Fox News is treating it like breaking news.

Outdated News or Sensationalism?

The recommendations for inclusive language were made by the pilot union three years ago, so why is Fox News making such a big deal about it now? Is this a case of outdated news being blown out of proportion, or is there something more to this story?

Expert Opinion

According to an ex-FAA official, the uproar over inclusive language in the aviation industry is unwarranted. Piloting airplanes is a technical skill that requires focus and precision, regardless of the language used. So why is Fox News making such a fuss over this non-issue?

For more information, you can read the full article here.

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