Giant Alligator Causes Honda to Crash into Louisiana Water | Giga Gears

The Unfortunate Tale of the Honda Fit Crash Involving an Alligator


Encountering an alligator in Louisiana is not uncommon, but for one driver in Chalmette, it led to a rather unexpected turn of events. The driver of a Honda Fit found themselves in a watery predicament after trying to avoid another motorist who slowed down to observe a massive alligator.

The Crash

  • The driver of a Honda Fit crashed the hatchback trying to avoid another motorist that slowed down to look at the alligator.
  • A local tow company had to be called to rescue the Honda from its watery grave.
  • Local authorities say the alligator was already dead before the crash.

The Incident

This peculiar incident occurred when a driver slowed down on Paris Road to get a closer look at the huge gator. This sudden maneuver caught the motorist behind off guard, leading to a swerve that ended up in the bayou. The silver Honda Fit was the unfortunate vehicle that took the plunge.

Insights from Officials

According to St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Kim Gritter, the crash happened around 6:30 a.m., with confirmation that the alligator was deceased prior to the collision. Witness Kayden Koffler also attested to the gator’s lifeless state when he passed by in the morning.

Recovery and Aftermath

Aces Towing and Auto Sales was tasked with retrieving the Honda Fit from the water. While the cause of the alligator’s demise remains unclear, the car owner will have an interesting story to share with their insurance company. Unfortunately, there’s a high probability that this Fit may never hit the road again.

Similar Incidents

This isn’t the only recent mishap involving a vehicle ending up in water. From a Porsche crashing into a river in Germany to another Porsche GT3 RS plunging into a river in Washington state, it seems cars and bodies of water don’t mix well.

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