GM’s Cruise Blamed Bad Internet Connection for Not Acknowledging Pedestrian Crash | Giga Gears

New Report Reveals GM’s Cruise Withheld Information About Pedestrian Crash

A recent report published on Thursday has shed light on the fact that GM’s Cruise leadership had intended to inform regulators about a self-driving taxi incident involving a pedestrian being dragged for 20 feet. However, due to poor internet connectivity, they were unable to report the incident. This incident occurred on October 2, 2023, when a woman was hit by a car driven by a human.

Internet Connection Issues Prevent Disclosure

According to the report, GM’s Cruise had every intention of reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities. However, due to an unreliable internet connection, they were unable to do so. This lack of communication resulted in the incident going unreported until now.

The Incident in Question

The incident took place on October 2, 2023, when a woman was hit by a car while in the vicinity of a self-driving taxi operated by GM’s Cruise. Shockingly, the woman was dragged for a distance of 20 feet before the car came to a stop. The incident raised concerns about the safety and reliability of self-driving vehicles.

Importance of Transparent Reporting

It is crucial for companies like GM’s Cruise to be transparent and forthcoming about any incidents involving their autonomous vehicles. Promptly reporting such incidents allows regulators and the public to assess the safety measures in place and make necessary improvements. In this case, the lack of disclosure due to internet connectivity issues raises questions about the company’s commitment to transparency.

For more information on this incident and its implications, please read the full article here.

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