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The Negative Impact of AI Search on Society

Google’s AI search feature has been receiving backlash for various reasons. Not only are the AI-generated responses subpar compared to human-generated ones, but they are also causing issues related to intellectual property rights, traditional media, and energy consumption.

Subpar Responses

AI-generated responses have been proven to be inferior to those generated by humans. This not only affects the quality of information provided but also raises concerns about the reliability of AI technology.

Intellectual Property Concerns

AI search results have been found to infringe on intellectual property rights. This raises legal issues and questions about the ethics of using AI technology to generate content.

Impact on Traditional Media

The rise of AI search is also impacting traditional media outlets, leading to a decline in readership and revenue. This trend threatens the sustainability of journalism and other forms of traditional media.

Energy Consumption

A recent report has revealed that AI search consumes a significant amount of electricity. This not only contributes to environmental concerns but also raises questions about the sustainability of AI technology in the long run.

Overall, the negative impact of AI search on society is becoming increasingly apparent. It is essential to address these issues and find ways to mitigate the harmful effects of AI technology on various aspects of society.

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