Hertz Customers Feel Trapped in Rental Tesla as Battery Dies | Giga Gears

Trapped in a Rental Tesla: A Lesson in Electric Vehicle Education

Earlier this year, a mother and daughter found themselves in a precarious situation while touring colleges. They had rented a car from Hertz, expecting a conventional gas-powered vehicle, but were surprised to find themselves behind the wheel of a Tesla Model 3. Unfamiliar with electric vehicles (EVs), they soon discovered that their lack of knowledge would lead to a flat battery and a feeling of being trapped.

Unprepared for the Electric Experience

Becky Liebeau, the mother, expressed her surprise at being given a Tesla instead of a traditional car. “I have never driven an electric vehicle and it would not have been my first choice,” she told CBS 2 Chicago. The real issue, however, was not just their unfamiliarity with EVs, but the fact that the car was only half-charged. They received no instructions on how to charge the vehicle or where to find charging stations. As a result, they found themselves stranded on the side of the road with a completely dead Tesla Model 3.

 Hertz Customers Think They're Trapped In Rental Tesla After Battery Dies

Feeling Trapped in a Tesla

What made matters worse was the lack of awareness about the physical door releases on the Tesla Model 3. Both Liebeau and her daughter believed they were trapped inside the vehicle, unaware that the handles to open the doors were within reach. It was only when Liebeau’s daughter mentioned the release button in the back that they were able to escape. “I ended up having to crawl out the trunk,” said Liebeau.

Not an Isolated Incident

While this incident highlights the need for better education on EVs, it’s important to note that other cars, including gas-powered ones like the Chevrolet Corvette, Lexus RX, and Maserati GranTurismo, have similar door situations. The real issue lies with rental companies failing to adequately educate customers on how to operate and charge the specific vehicle they are renting.

Hertz’s Response and Lessons Learned

Hertz responded to the incident by stating that they provide digital content and resources to help customers feel comfortable on the road. However, if these resources are only accessible through the infotainment system of the vehicle itself, it becomes useless when the car’s battery is dead. Hertz has refunded all charges and provided reimbursement for related travel expenses to Liebeau and her daughter.

Blame and Responsibility

Ultimately, this situation highlights a combination of factors, including customer ignorance about electric vehicles and a lack of education from rental companies. Both parties need to take responsibility for ensuring that customers are informed about charging infrastructure and how to handle unexpected situations, such as a dead battery. It is crucial for rental companies to provide comprehensive instructions and resources to customers before they hit the road in an unfamiliar vehicle.


The incident involving Liebeau and her daughter serves as a reminder of the importance of education and preparation when it comes to electric vehicles. As EVs become more prevalent, rental companies must prioritize informing their customers about the unique features and requirements of these vehicles. Likewise, individuals should take the initiative to familiarize themselves with EVs before getting behind the wheel. By bridging the knowledge gap, we can avoid situations like being trapped in a rental Tesla due to a lack of understanding.

Image Credit: CBS 2 Chicago

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