Honda S2000 Crashes After Thumbs-Up: Digit Of Doom | Giga Gears

Honda S2000 Spins Out of Control: TikTok Video Goes Viral


If you’ve ever seen Ridley Scott’s movie Gladiator, you’ll remember how Joaquin Phoenix’s Emperor Commodus uses
thumb signals to decide a fighter’s fate. But since the movie’s release in 2000, some historians have argued that
Scott’s depiction of the signals – a thumbs-up to spare a gladiator, thumbs-down to finish him – was inaccurate,
and that the hand positions would have been the other way around.

Honda S2000 Spins Out of Control

Which makes total sense when you see this viral TikTok clip from user marlie.honodel of a Honda S2000 pirouetting
into the foliage only moments after receiving an appreciative thumbs-up from the driver he passes in the middle
lane of a freeway. The yellow Honda is in such a mess afterwards that the driver will probably be using his own
thumb for the next few weeks to hitch rides.

At first sight, the opening moments of the video don’t look like there’s much danger present. True, the road
surface is damp and the S2000 – particularly early ones like this car – have a reputation for snappy oversteer.
But the driver is traveling slowly and in a straight line as he passes the camera car. What can possibly go

Video Goes Viral

An early aughts Honda S2000 might have had half as many liters, cylinders, and pound-feet as a Ford Mustang GT of
the same vintage, but we can hear the driver downshift and lean into the gas as he closes on the car ahead of
him, and that’s enough to send the SK2’s tail sliding to the left. The driver valiantly piles on some opposite
lock, but neither that nor the giant rear wing and all the downforce its brochure blurb probably promised can
save the Honda from a date with the green stuff at the side of the road.

The car spins 180 degrees as it crosses two lanes of traffic and actually travels along the verge backwards,
looking for a split second as if the driver might just get away with it. No such luck. It then performs another
180, destroying its rear bodywork and ripping at least one wheel from the rear axle. We already know that the
owner couldn’t make a save, but do you think a body shop can, or is this S2000 destined for the crusher?


This TikTok video of a Honda S2000 spinning out of control has gone viral, showcasing the dangers of snappy
oversteer and the importance of maintaining control on wet roads. The driver’s attempt to recover from the slide
ultimately leads to a devastating crash. It serves as a reminder to all drivers to exercise caution and be aware
of their vehicle’s capabilities.

Video and image credit: Tiktok/marlie.honodel

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