Hyundai Aims to Make Wireless Charging Roads a Reality

Hyundai’s New Patent Could Revolutionize Wireless Charging Roads

Hyundai’s New Patent Could Revolutionize Wireless Charging Roads

Hyundai's New Patent Could Revolutionize Wireless Charging Roads

Hyundai’s New Patent for Wireless Charging on the Road

  • Hyundai’s new patent could let EVs wirelessly charge on the road, even on uneven surfaces.
  • Vehicle-to-everything tech could allow the navigation system to suggest the optimal route.
  • The high cost of wireless charging roads means widespread adoption is likely decades away.

Wireless charging has become popular in consumer electronics, but it has yet to gain widespread adoption in the electric vehicle (EV) sector. However, Hyundai may change that with its new patent filing, bringing the concept of wireless charging roads closer to reality.

There are already a few small sections of road that incorporate wireless charging technology, but they are rare. Hyundai’s recent patent presents a practical solution to make wireless charging roads more viable by addressing the challenge of uneven surfaces, a common issue on many roads. Their approach ensures that wireless charging systems work smoothly even when the road conditions aren’t perfect.

Hyundai’s Height-Adjustable Solution

Hyundai’s solution, as uncovered by CarBuzz in a US patent filing, is to use a charging receiver under a vehicle that sits on a height-adjustable inductive power transfer coupler. This coupler can automatically raise and lower itself to position it perfectly above the road surface, regardless of the terrain.

Intelligent System for Optimal Positioning

Hyundai suggests using a system similar to Mercedes-Benz’s Magic Body Control suspension, which uses forward-facing cameras to read the road surface and adjust a car’s suspension accordingly. This system would be beneficial for wireless charging as it allows the vehicle to detect surface imperfections and adjust the charging receiver to maintain optimal positioning, even on rough or uneven roads.

Vehicle-to-Everything Technology for Efficient Routes

Hyundai’s design relies on vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology to collect real-time data, enabling the navigation system to recommend the smoothest and most efficient routes for wireless charging. This intelligent system ensures consistent charging on the go, making driving more seamless and convenient for EV owners.

Challenges of Cost and Infrastructure

However, one of the biggest obstacles to widespread adoption of wireless charging roads is the cost. Implementing wireless charging coils in existing or new roads would be extremely expensive and only practical if the majority of cars on the roads were EVs. Therefore, it may take many decades before driving coast-to-coast in an EV with wireless charging becomes a reality.

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