Is Mobility Dead? – Change Makers Podcast (Ep. 14) | Giga Gears

Natalie Sauber Discusses Start-ups, China, and the Future of Mobility

Welcome to episode 14 of the Autocar Business Change Makers Podcast, produced in partnership with Tomorrow’s Journey. In this episode, we sit down with Natalie Sauber, director of automotive at Arcadis, to delve into the current state of the automotive industry and the future of mobility.

The Weeding Out of Faltering Start-ups

One of the topics we explore with Natalie Sauber is the “weeding out” of faltering automotive start-ups. Sauber provides insights into the challenges faced by these start-ups and the factors that contribute to their success or failure.

China’s Dominance in EV Technology and Manufacturing

China’s ongoing domination of electric vehicle (EV) technology and manufacturing is another key area of discussion. Sauber sheds light on China’s advancements in this field and the implications for the global automotive industry.

The Death of the Mobility Industry?

One of the thought-provoking questions we pose to Sauber is whether the ‘mobility’ industry, as we currently know it, is dead. Sauber shares her insights on the evolving nature of mobility and the potential disruptions that lie ahead.

Exploring E-Scooters and Automotive Innovation in Europe

In this episode, we also delve into the hype around e-scooters and their current status. Additionally, we discuss whether Europe is still the home of automotive innovation and what the next big step change in the mobility space might be.

To listen to the full episode and gain valuable insights from Natalie Sauber, click the play button below:

The Autocar Change Makers Podcast is a must-listen for industry professionals interested in the future of automotive. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Podcasts, or your preferred platform to stay updated on the latest episodes.

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