John Oliver offers Clarence Thomas $2.4M motor coach and $1M/year to resign from Supreme Court

John Oliver Offers Clarence Thomas $2.4 Million Motor Coach

John Oliver, known as Elon Musk’s least favorite Brit, has made headlines for his recent offer to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Despite their differing political views, Oliver is extending an olive branch in the form of a $2.4 million motor coach. This surprising gesture of bipartisanship was revealed on the season premiere of “Last Week Tonight.”

A Generous Gesture

Oliver’s offer comes as a shock to many, given his past criticisms of Justice Thomas. However, it seems that Oliver is willing to put aside their differences in the name of goodwill. The $2.4 million motor coach is a luxurious gift that is sure to make a statement.

Bridging the Divide

Despite their opposing views, Oliver’s offer demonstrates a willingness to find common ground with Justice Thomas. This unexpected act of kindness has sparked a conversation about bipartisanship and unity in today’s divisive political climate.

For more details on John Oliver’s offer to Clarence Thomas, click here.

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