Kia Owner Abandons Car at Dealership Due to Frequent Theft Attempts

Kia and Hyundai Cars: The Target of Rising Theft Trends

For years, Kia and Hyundai cars have been the prime targets of hot new theft trends. This is mainly due to the fact that bored teenagers discovered that these vehicles lacked immobilizers and could be easily started with a USB jammed into the ignition. Despite attempts to address the issue, such as giving away free steering wheel locks, the problem persists.

The Failure of Previous Solutions

Hyundai and Kia have made several unsuccessful attempts to fix the vulnerability of their cars to theft. These efforts have included giving away free steering wheel locks and exploring the use of Apple AirTags to track stolen vehicles. However, these measures have not been effective in deterring thieves.

Extreme Measures: Abandoning the Car

Frustrated by the repeated thefts and the failure of previous solutions, at least one owner has resorted to an extreme measure: abandoning their Kia car at the dealership. This drastic action highlights the severity of the issue and the desperation felt by owners who have fallen victim to car theft.

To learn more about this ongoing problem and the challenges faced by Kia and Hyundai owners, read the full article here.

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