Korea’s Ban on EVs with Fully Charged Batteries in Parking Garages

Strict New Parking Regulations for EVs in Seoul

Strict New Parking Regulations for EVs in Seoul

Korea Moves To Ban EVs With Fully Charged Batteries From Parking Garages


Strict new parking regulations for electric vehicles (EVs) are set to be implemented in Seoul by the end of September. These regulations come in response to recent incidents, such as a Mercedes-Benz EQE catching fire in an underground parking garage, causing significant damage and leaving many households without essential utilities.

New Rules for EV Parking

The Seoul Metropolitan Government is taking action to prevent EVs with batteries charged over 90% from entering underground parking garages. Additionally, there will be a charging limit of 80% for rapid charges throughout the city. These rules may also apply to privately-operated chargers.

Expert Opinions

While the government aims to mitigate the risk of EV fires, many experts and EV owners have raised objections. Professor Yoon Won-sub, head of a battery research center, argues that there is no evidence to suggest that fully-charged batteries pose a higher fire risk. He emphasizes the importance of thorough discussions among experts to develop appropriate countermeasures.

Statistics on EV Fires

Out of the 139 reported EV fires in South Korea over the past three years, only 26 occurred while the vehicle was charging. The majority of fires happened while the vehicle was in motion or parked but not charging. These statistics challenge the notion that fully-charged batteries are the primary cause of EV fires.

Impact on EV Owners

EV owners express dissatisfaction with the new regulations as they will reduce the usable range of their vehicles. Some question the government’s decision-making process and argue that if gasoline-powered cars catch fire, there are no restrictions on fueling. They question the lack of proven data and the inconsistency in government policies regarding EVs.

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