Lambo Urus Driver vs Helicopter: A Lesson Learned | Giga Gears

The Lamborghini Urus Police Chase: A High-Speed Pursuit in Canada


The driver of a Lamborghini Urus in Canada experienced the challenges of evading the police firsthand. Despite reaching speeds over 124 mph (200 km/h), the driver attempted to escape capture, even after a tire blowout during the pursuit.

The Chase

Footage from the York Regional Police in Canada shows the Lamborghini Urus leading authorities on a high-speed chase. The pursuit began on a highway and continued onto a cul-de-sac where the super SUV narrowly escaped a police blockade. The driver then accelerated to speeds exceeding 124 mph (200 km/h) on the highway.

The Arrest

After driving on a damaged tire for over 15 minutes, the driver and passengers pulled into a parking lot where they were apprehended by ground units. The police arrested a 21-year-old for dangerous operation and flight from a peace officer, while a 22-year-old was charged with assaulting a police officer with a weapon.


Despite the driver’s attempts to evade capture, the high-speed pursuit of the Lamborghini Urus came to an end with the driver and passengers facing serious charges. The thrilling chase serves as a reminder that even the fastest cars cannot outrun the law.

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