Las Vegas Buses: Murders, Meth, and Ears Bitten Off

Las Vegas Area Bus Drivers Demand Action Against Passenger Violence

The Las Vegas area has seen a disturbing trend of violence against bus drivers, with incidents ranging from blowing meth in their faces to stealing buses and even stabbing supervisors. These incidents have left drivers feeling unsafe and demanding action from authorities.

The issue of passenger violence against bus drivers is not unique to Las Vegas. According to a report by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, transit workers are at a higher risk of workplace violence than workers in other industries. However, the severity and frequency of these incidents in the Las Vegas area have prompted drivers to speak out.

One driver, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation, recounted an incident where a passenger blew meth in their face. “I was driving my route when a passenger came on and started acting erratically,” they said. “Before I knew it, they had pulled out a bag of meth and blown it in my face. I had to pull over and call for help.”

Another driver, who also wished to remain anonymous, described an incident where a passenger stole their bus. “I had pulled over at a stop and stepped off the bus for a moment,” they said. “When I came back, the passenger had taken off in my bus. It was a terrifying experience.”

These incidents are not isolated incidents. In fact, according to the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1637, which represents bus drivers in the Las Vegas area, there were 163 reported incidents of violence against bus drivers in 2019 alone.

The union has been advocating for increased safety measures for bus drivers, including installing protective barriers between drivers and passengers and increasing police presence on buses. They also want to see stricter penalties for passengers who commit acts of violence against drivers.

“We need to send a message that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated,” said Thomas Stone, president of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1637. “Our drivers deserve to feel safe while they’re doing their jobs.”

The union has also been working with the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, which operates the bus system in the Las Vegas area, to address the issue. The commission has implemented a number of safety measures, including installing cameras on buses and training drivers in de-escalation techniques.

However, some drivers feel that these measures are not enough. “Cameras and training are great, but they don’t stop someone from blowing meth in your face,” said one driver. “We need more protection.”

The issue of passenger violence against bus drivers is a complex one, with no easy solutions. However, it is clear that something needs to be done to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers alike.

In the meantime, drivers in the Las Vegas area are doing their best to stay safe while on the job. “We love our jobs and we love our passengers,” said one driver. “But we need to be able to do our jobs without fear of violence.”

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