Lobbyists, Lawmakers Push for Viewing Self-Driving Race as China Competition

The Morning Shift: Lobbyists and Lawmakers Want You to See the Race to Self-Driving Cars

Good morning! It’s Thursday, July 27, 2023, and this is The Morning Shift, your daily roundup of the top automotive headlines from around the world, in one place. Here are the important stories you need to know.

Self-Driving Cars

The Race to Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars have been a hot topic in recent years, and it seems that the race to develop and deploy them is heating up even more. Lobbyists and lawmakers are now pushing for increased transparency in the development and testing of autonomous vehicles.

The Need for Transparency

With the potential to revolutionize transportation, self-driving cars have garnered significant attention from both the public and private sectors. However, concerns regarding safety, liability, and ethical considerations have also emerged.

Lobbyists and lawmakers argue that increased transparency is necessary to address these concerns and ensure public trust in self-driving technology. By making information about the development and testing of autonomous vehicles more accessible, they believe that the industry can demonstrate its commitment to safety and accountability.

Proposed Measures

Several measures have been proposed to increase transparency in the race to self-driving cars. One such proposal is the creation of a public database that would track autonomous vehicle testing and incidents. This database would provide valuable information to regulators, researchers, and the public, allowing for a better understanding of the technology’s progress and potential risks.

In addition to a public database, lobbyists and lawmakers are also advocating for standardized reporting requirements for autonomous vehicle manufacturers. These requirements would ensure that companies disclose relevant data, such as the number of miles driven, incidents, and disengagements during testing. By establishing consistent reporting standards, stakeholders can compare the performance and safety records of different companies.

Industry Response

The push for increased transparency has received mixed responses from the self-driving car industry. While some companies have embraced the idea, others have expressed concerns about the potential disclosure of sensitive information.

Proponents argue that transparency can actually benefit the industry by fostering public trust and encouraging collaboration. By openly sharing information, companies can learn from each other’s experiences and work together to address common challenges. This collaborative approach could accelerate the development and deployment of self-driving cars.

On the other hand, opponents worry that increased transparency could give competitors an unfair advantage. They argue that disclosing sensitive information, such as proprietary technology or testing strategies, could undermine a company’s competitive edge.

The Future of Self-Driving Cars

As the race to self-driving cars continues, it is clear that transparency will play a crucial role in shaping the industry’s future. Lobbyists and lawmakers are pushing for measures that balance the need for public safety and accountability with the industry’s need for innovation and competition.

By increasing transparency, the self-driving car industry can address concerns surrounding safety, liability, and ethics. It can also build public trust and confidence in autonomous vehicles, paving the way for widespread adoption and integration into our daily lives.


The race to self-driving cars is not just about technological advancements; it is also about building trust and ensuring public safety. Lobbyists and lawmakers are advocating for increased transparency in the development and testing of autonomous vehicles to address concerns and foster collaboration within the industry.

While there are differing opinions on the extent of transparency, it is clear that finding a balance between public accountability and competitive advantage is crucial. As self-driving cars become more prevalent, it is important for the industry to demonstrate its commitment to safety, ethics, and innovation.

With continued efforts towards transparency, self-driving cars have the potential to revolutionize transportation and improve our daily lives. The race is on, and it’s not just about who gets there first, but also about how we get there together.

Read more: Lobbyists and Lawmakers Want You to See the Race to Self-Driving Cars

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