Man Successfully Sneaks Onto Flights Without Tickets Twice in 48 Hours | Giga Gears

Man Sneaks Onto Flights Twice Without Ticket in 2 Days

Many frequent fliers might think the current airline travel experience isn’t worth paying for, but they aren’t trying to hop on a plane without buying a ticket. However, a 39-year-old Norwegian man managed to find a way past security and onto a flight without a ticket not once, but twice at Munich Airport earlier this month.

A Sly Stowaway

The man, whose identity remains undisclosed, successfully sneaked onto two separate flights within a span of just two days. This incident has raised serious concerns about airport security and the effectiveness of existing protocols.

First Incident

In the first incident, the man managed to bypass security checks and board a flight to Athens without a valid ticket. It wasn’t until mid-flight that the crew discovered the stowaway and alerted the authorities. Upon landing, the man was detained and questioned by airport security.

Second Incident

Just a day later, the same man attempted to repeat his stunt. This time, he successfully boarded a flight to Oslo without a ticket. Again, it was during the flight that the crew realized the unauthorized passenger and informed the authorities. The man was arrested upon landing.

Security Concerns

These incidents have highlighted significant security vulnerabilities at Munich Airport. The fact that the same person managed to sneak onto two flights within such a short period raises questions about the effectiveness of security measures in place.

Authorities are now investigating the incidents and working to identify the loopholes that allowed the man to bypass security checks. They are determined to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Passengers and frequent fliers are expressing their concerns over these incidents, emphasizing the need for stricter security protocols to ensure the safety of all travelers.

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