Man sues himself for backing into own car

The Dumb Things People Do Because of Cars

Despite our love for cars, they have a way of making people do some pretty dumb things. From overpaying for them to being completely clueless while driving, cars can really affect our judgment in negative ways. Vehicle accidents, in particular, seem to bring out the worst in people.

Overpaying for Cars

Some people are willing to pay way more than a car is worth just to have the latest model or the fanciest features. This kind of behavior can be attributed to the emotional attachment we have to our vehicles.

Distracted Driving

Being behind the wheel can sometimes make people lose focus on the road. Whether it’s texting, eating, or even putting on makeup while driving, these distractions can lead to serious accidents.

Strange Lawsuits

There was a case where a man tried to sue himself after backing into his own car. This bizarre incident just goes to show how cars can sometimes make people act irrationally.

If you want to learn more about the strange things people do because of cars, click here.

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