Mercedes-Benz Dealers Refund Lease Fee After Local News Probe

Colorado Mercedes-Benz Dealers Refund Bogus Lease Fees After Investigation

Denver’s ABC 7 recently uncovered a concerning practice by a couple of Mercedes-Benz dealers in the Denver area. These dealerships were charging customers delivery and handling fees on their lease buyouts, which were later found to be bogus. However, following the investigation, the dealerships have taken steps to rectify the situation.

Investigation Reveals Unfair Charges

During an investigation by Denver’s ABC 7, it was discovered that certain Mercedes-Benz dealers in the Denver area had been adding delivery and handling fees to customers’ lease buyouts. These fees were not disclosed upfront and were deemed unnecessary and unfair.

Customers who had completed their lease terms and decided to purchase their vehicles were surprised to find these additional charges on their final bills. The undisclosed fees ranged from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars, significantly increasing the cost of the lease buyouts.

Dealerships Take Responsibility

After the investigation brought these unfair practices to light, the Mercedes-Benz dealerships involved have taken responsibility for their actions. They have acknowledged the mistake and have started refunding the bogus delivery and handling fees to affected customers.

The dealerships have also implemented new policies to ensure transparency and fairness in their pricing. They are now committed to providing clear and accurate information about all charges and fees associated with lease buyouts.

Lessons Learned

This incident serves as a reminder for car buyers to carefully review all documents and charges before finalizing any lease agreements or buyouts. It is essential to ask for full disclosure of all fees and charges upfront to avoid any surprises later on.

Additionally, it highlights the importance of investigative journalism in uncovering unfair practices and holding businesses accountable for their actions. Denver’s ABC 7’s investigation has led to positive changes within the Mercedes-Benz dealerships, benefiting both current and future customers.

By addressing and rectifying the issue promptly, the dealerships have shown their commitment to customer satisfaction and fair business practices.

For more details on this story, please click here.

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