Miami Mom Allegedly Hits Son with SUV in Attempt to Break Up Fight | Giga Gears

Mother in Florida Faces Charges After Accidentally Hitting Son with Car

Mother in Florida Faces Charges After Accidentally Hitting Son with Car


A mother in Florida received a terrifying call from her child on Monday, during which he reported being threatened by
other kids with a gun. She rushed to his location to protect him from the altercation, but she accidentally struck him
with her own car while allegedly trying to intervene and hit the other children. As a result, she is now facing serious

The Incident

Quantavia Miltanise Samuel, a 33-year-old resident of Miami, explained that her 12-year-old son was in the neighborhood
attempting to recover a misplaced backpack. During that event, he called his mother to say that a group of kids might
attack him and that one had a firearm. She hopped into her Toyota RAV4 and drove to where she believed her son to be.

The Accidental Hit

Upon arriving, she allegedly hit her own son with the car. When asked by police how that happened, she reportedly said,
“I was trying to get them off my son.” Police say that after she hit her boy, she got out of the car, helped him up, put
him inside, and then continued chasing after the other kids. She caught up with them at their home.

Legal Consequences

Now, Samuel faces multiple charges including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and aggravated battery with a deadly
weapon. She’s in Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center with a $15,000 bond according to NBC Miami.

Police Response

Miami Police spokesman Michael Vega said, “She wanted to hit these two kids… This is what we say all the time, if there’s
a problem like this, the correct thing would have been that she call the police and then she can respond, which if we
would have been there, we would have prevented this.” What happens next is up to the court to decide.


This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of contacting the authorities in potentially dangerous situations
rather than taking matters into one’s own hands. The court will determine the appropriate legal consequences for the
mother’s actions.

Image Credit: WSVN-TV

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