Mobile EV Apps: Pretty, But Struggle to Impress Users in Key Areas

is one of the lowest ranked in terms of user satisfaction, according to J.D. Power. Credit: Polestar

However, even among these top performers, there is still room for improvement. For example, J.D. Power found that only 50 percent of EV owners who use their app to schedule charging are satisfied with the process. And just 45 percent of those who use their app to locate charging stations are satisfied with that function.

These findings highlight the importance of automakers and software developers listening to their users and making changes accordingly. As the market for EVs continues to grow, mobile apps will become an increasingly important part of the user experience. And with more than a third of users experiencing connection issues, there is a clear need for improvements in this area.

One potential solution is for automakers to work more closely with third-party app developers to create more seamless and user-friendly experiences. This could involve integrating existing apps into their own systems or partnering with developers to create new apps that meet the specific needs of their users.

Another key area for improvement is in the integration of EVs with smart home systems. J.D. Power found that just 28 percent of EV owners who have a smart home system are using it to control their vehicle’s charging. This suggests that there is a significant opportunity for automakers to improve the integration between their apps and smart home systems, making it easier for users to manage their charging and other vehicle functions from a single platform.

Ultimately, the success of EV mobile apps will depend on how well they meet the needs of their users. As EV ownership continues to grow, automakers and software developers will need to focus on improving the areas that matter most to their users, such as speed, ease of use, and integration with other systems. By doing so, they can help to ensure that EVs remain a viable and attractive option for consumers in the years to come.

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