Mounties Flip Tractor on Highway, Sending Driver to Hospital | Giga Gears

Man Arrested and Hospitalized After RCMP Pursuit on BC Highway 1

RCMP Pursuit on BC Highway 1

Tractor Driver Arrested and Injured

One man was arrested and taken to the hospital after a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s (RCMP) highway patrol used the PIT maneuver on a tractor driving on Highway 1 in British Columbia. The severity of the tractor driver’s injuries is currently unknown, but the Lower Mainland’s Integrated Collision Analysis and Reconstruction service has been called to the scene to investigate.

Possible Connection to Protest Convoy

The RCMP intercepted the tractor while responding to a different call. According to CTV, the driver may have been involved in a protest convoy organized by a group that opposes teaching sexual orientation and gender identity topics in schools in the province.

Video Footage of the Incident

Video footage captured the incident, showing the tractor speeding down the highway with an RCMP cruiser alongside it. The cruiser appears to collide with the tractor, causing it to turn into the police vehicle. As they reach an off-ramp, another collision occurs, causing the tractor to roll over onto its side and roof before settling on its left side. A police officer then approaches the tractor, pulls out the driver, and proceeds to handcuff him. Paramedics were seen attending to the tractor’s driver after the incident.

Unclear Motive for Pursuit

The reason for the RCMP’s pursuit of the tractor remains unknown, and details about the initial call they were responding to have not been disclosed. Both the tractor and the police cruiser sustained significant damage during the incident.

Investigation and Aftermath

The Integrated Collision Analysis and Reconstruction service will conduct a forensic reconstruction of the collision. Meanwhile, photos of the damaged police cruiser indicate the extent of the impact. The arrested tractor driver was taken to the hospital for treatment, and further updates on his condition are awaited.

Watch Video Footage of the Incident

Read More: Arkansas Police Pit Another Driver Who Didn’t Appear To Be Running

For more news on similar incidents, read about another case where Arkansas police used a PIT maneuver on a driver who didn’t appear to be running.

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