Moving a Concorde from an Aircraft Carrier to Brooklyn: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Concorde Supersonic Jet Finds a New Home in Brooklyn

After nearly two decades of hanging out on the Intrepid aircraft carrier in the Hudson River, the Concorde supersonic jet is once again on the move. Sadly, it didn’t ignite its four Rolls-Royce Olympus engines. Instead, it took a leisurely boat ride to Brooklyn where it is scheduled to get a bit of a facelift that’ll…

Concorde Supersonic Jet

A Piece of Aviation History

The Concorde supersonic jet is an iconic piece of aviation history. It was the first supersonic passenger jet and flew at twice the speed of sound. With its sleek design and advanced technology, the Concorde captured the imagination of people around the world. However, due to high operating costs and concerns over noise pollution, the Concorde was retired in 2003.

A New Home in Brooklyn

After being displayed on the Intrepid aircraft carrier for many years, the Concorde has found a new home in Brooklyn. The move was carefully planned and executed to ensure the safety of the aircraft. The Concorde was transported by boat to its new location, where it will undergo a restoration process.

Restoration Plans

The restoration of the Concorde will involve a team of experts who will work to preserve its original features and ensure its long-term preservation. The goal is to create a museum-quality exhibit that will allow visitors to learn about the history and technology of the Concorde.

One of the key aspects of the restoration process will be the preservation of the Concorde’s exterior. The aircraft’s iconic shape and design will be carefully maintained, and any damage or wear will be repaired. The team will also work to ensure that the Concorde’s paint job is restored to its original vibrant colors.

In addition to the exterior, the interior of the Concorde will also be restored. The team will work to recreate the luxurious and futuristic atmosphere that passengers experienced when flying on the Concorde. This will involve restoring the seating, cabin decor, and other elements that made the Concorde a truly unique flying experience.

A New Era for the Concorde

With its new home in Brooklyn, the Concorde is entering a new era. The restoration process will not only preserve this important piece of aviation history but also allow future generations to learn about and appreciate the Concorde’s groundbreaking technology and design.

Once the restoration is complete, the Concorde will be open to the public as part of a museum exhibit. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the aircraft, learn about its history, and even experience a simulated flight on the supersonic jet.

Preserving Aviation History

The restoration of the Concorde is just one example of the efforts being made to preserve aviation history. Museums around the world are working to restore and display historic aircraft, allowing visitors to learn about the pioneers of flight and the technological advancements that have shaped our world.

By preserving these artifacts, we can ensure that future generations have the opportunity to learn about and appreciate the achievements of those who came before us. The Concorde, with its groundbreaking design and technological innovation, is a perfect example of the incredible feats that can be accomplished when humans push the boundaries of what is possible.


The Concorde supersonic jet has found a new home in Brooklyn, where it will undergo a restoration process to preserve its original features and ensure its long-term preservation. The restoration will involve careful attention to both the exterior and interior of the aircraft, recreating the luxurious and futuristic atmosphere that passengers experienced when flying on the Concorde. Once the restoration is complete, the Concorde will be open to the public as part of a museum exhibit, allowing visitors to learn about and appreciate its groundbreaking technology and design. This effort to preserve aviation history is just one example of the important work being done by museums around the world to ensure that future generations can learn from and be inspired by the achievements of the past.

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