Mustang Driver Skillfully Avoids McLaren and Other Hazards While Fishtailing on Wet Road

Title: Mustang Driver Surprisingly Avoids Crash with McLaren Supercar


Mustangs are notorious for their involvement in accidents, often due to drivers who struggle to handle the power of these iconic cars. However, a recent video has emerged showcasing a Mustang driver who made a poor decision but managed to avoid a potentially disastrous crash with a McLaren supercar. In this article, we will analyze the video and discuss the surprising outcome of this incident.

The Incident

The video, although blurry, captures a brief 17-second moment that unfolds rapidly. The location appears to be on the coast, possibly in Florida, judging by the foliage and weather conditions. The footage features a Ford Mustang and what seems to be a McLaren 600LT supercar.

The Mustang driver, despite the wet weather, decides to accelerate aggressively, causing the car to slide into the McLaren’s lane. However, the skilled McLaren driver quickly reacts by braking and steering away from the impending collision.

A Miraculous Escape

Instead of colliding with the McLaren, the Mustang driver manages to correct the slide but overcorrects, resulting in a wild swing to the right. The car fishtails again, first to the left and then sharply to the right, disappearing from the frame momentarily. However, to everyone’s surprise, the Mustang reappears undamaged and smoothly slides back into its original lane.

The Mustang driver’s quick reflexes and skillful handling of the car allowed them to avoid any damage to their own vehicle, as well as preventing harm to the McLaren, other drivers, or the surrounding infrastructure.

Unusual Outcome

This outcome is unexpected, considering the reputation Mustang drivers have for finding themselves in accidents. It seems that many Mustang drivers have an uncanny ability to locate and collide with the nearest object, whether it be a telephone pole or any other damaging obstacle. However, this particular driver defied expectations and managed to navigate through the situation unscathed.


The video of the Mustang narrowly avoiding a collision with a McLaren supercar has captivated viewers due to its surprising outcome. While Mustangs are often associated with reckless driving and accidents, this incident serves as a reminder that not all drivers fit this stereotype. The skilled Mustang driver showcased impressive control and decision-making abilities, ultimately saving their car from any damage and preventing harm to others.

It is essential to remember that responsible driving is crucial, regardless of the vehicle one is operating. This incident highlights the importance of being aware of road conditions, especially in adverse weather, and exercising caution when accelerating or making sudden maneuvers.

As car enthusiasts, we can appreciate the skill and expertise demonstrated by this Mustang driver. Let this serve as a reminder that responsible driving can lead to favorable outcomes, even in challenging situations.

Image Credit: BeastCheng on Reddit

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