Near Misses: Frequent Incidents of Close Calls between Planes

The Alarming Frequency of Airplane Near-Crashes: A Deep Dive into the Issue

Airplane near-crash


It has come to light that airplanes are nearly crashing mid-air far more frequently than previously believed. Recent incidents of almost-crashes have raised concerns about airline safety and prompted The New York Times to conduct an in-depth investigation into the matter. Shockingly, there have been at least 46 close calls involving commercial airlines in the past few months alone.

The Growing Concern

The frequency of near-crashes in the aviation industry is a cause for alarm. These incidents highlight potential flaws in the current air traffic control systems and raise questions about pilot training and communication protocols. The safety of passengers and crew members should always be the top priority, and it is crucial to address these issues promptly.

The New York Times Investigation

In an effort to shed light on this critical issue, The New York Times embarked on a comprehensive investigation. Their findings revealed a disturbing trend of near-misses that could have resulted in catastrophic accidents. The report highlighted specific incidents where commercial planes came dangerously close to colliding with each other or other objects.

The Role of Air Traffic Control

Air traffic control plays a vital role in ensuring the safe operation of commercial flights. However, the recent near-crashes have exposed potential shortcomings in the system. The New York Times investigation found instances where air traffic controllers failed to provide timely warnings or guidance to pilots, leading to potentially disastrous situations.

Pilot Training and Communication

Pilot training and effective communication are crucial components of aviation safety. The investigation revealed instances where pilots failed to adhere to established protocols or miscommunicated critical information. These lapses in training and communication can have severe consequences, as demonstrated by the near-crashes documented in the report.

The Need for Improved Safety Measures

The alarming frequency of near-crashes necessitates immediate action to enhance safety measures in the aviation industry. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) must collaborate with airlines, air traffic control agencies, and pilot associations to identify and address the root causes of these incidents. This collaborative effort should focus on improving training programs, enhancing communication protocols, and implementing advanced technologies to prevent future near-crashes.

Advanced Technologies for Enhanced Safety

The aviation industry has made significant advancements in technology over the years. These advancements can be harnessed to improve safety and prevent near-crashes. The implementation of automated collision avoidance systems, real-time data sharing between aircraft and air traffic control, and enhanced radar systems can significantly reduce the risk of mid-air collisions.

The Importance of Reporting Near-Crashes

Accurate reporting of near-crashes is crucial for identifying patterns, analyzing trends, and implementing effective preventive measures. It is essential for pilots and air traffic controllers to report any incidents promptly and accurately. Encouraging a culture of transparency and accountability will contribute to a safer aviation environment.


The recent surge in near-crashes involving commercial airlines is a wake-up call for the aviation industry. It is imperative that all stakeholders work together to address the underlying issues and prioritize passenger safety. By improving air traffic control systems, enhancing pilot training and communication, and leveraging advanced technologies, we can significantly reduce the risk of mid-air collisions. The lessons learned from these near-crashes should serve as a catalyst for positive change and a renewed commitment to ensuring the highest level of safety in air travel.

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