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Car Gaming: Will It Take Off?

Car manufacturers have been trying to push in-car gaming as the next big thing, but there hasn’t been much evidence to support it. While mobile and casual games seem like a decent fit, people already have access to those on their devices. However, Tesla is changing the game by incorporating gaming into their vehicles.

Tesla’s gaming feature allows drivers to play games on the car’s touchscreen while parked or charging. The games available include classics like Asteroids and Missile Command, as well as newer titles like Cuphead and Stardew Valley. The feature has been well-received by Tesla owners, with some even hosting gaming tournaments at Supercharger stations.

But will in-car gaming become a widespread trend? It’s hard to say. On one hand, it’s a unique selling point for Tesla and could attract more customers. On the other hand, it’s not a feature that most people would prioritize when buying a car.

Another factor to consider is safety. While Tesla’s gaming feature can only be used while parked or charging, there’s still the risk of distraction while driving. In-car entertainment systems have already been criticized for being too distracting, and adding gaming to the mix could make things worse.

Despite these concerns, there are potential benefits to in-car gaming. For one, it could make long road trips more enjoyable for passengers. It could also be a way for families to bond over games during car rides.

Ultimately, whether or not in-car gaming takes off will depend on consumer demand and safety considerations. For now, Tesla is leading the way in this area, but it remains to be seen if other car manufacturers will follow suit.

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