“New Cars at LA Auto Show: 2024 and Beyond | Giga Gears”

The 2023 LA Auto Show: Highlights and Absences

The 2023 LA Auto Show may not have been the most thrilling event this year, with the absence of several notable automakers. However, the show still witnessed some significant debuts from the manufacturers that did attend.

Notable Absences

Among the absent automakers were all the German automakers and Stellantis. Whether it was a deliberate choice or due to a lack of new offerings, their absence was felt at the show.

Exciting Debuts

Despite the missing heavyweights, the LA Auto Show managed to showcase some impressive new vehicles. Let’s take a closer look at the highlights:

[Car Model 1]

[Description of Car Model 1]

[Car Model 2]

[Description of Car Model 2]

[Car Model 3]

[Description of Car Model 3]

For more details and a comprehensive list of all the new cars coming in 2024 and beyond, check out this article.

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