“New Ford Mustang Dark Horse with Factory Mismatched Taillights | Giga Gears”

Unique Ford Mustang Dark Horse Delivered with Mismatched Taillights

When a major automaker like Ford delivers a car with mismatched parts, it raises questions about quality control. Recently, a US customer received a brand new Ford Mustang Dark Horse with taillights from two different regions: one from North America and the other likely from Australia or Europe.

A Unique Situation

The ‘incorrect’ taillight on the Mustang appears to be the same as those used in models destined for export markets. The owner, Jim Manderano from Texas, hopes to replace the US-spec taillight with the ‘incorrect’ one, creating a one-of-a-kind Mustang Dark Horse.

A Factory Oversight

While the mismatched taillights may seem like a harmless mistake, it shouldn’t have passed through quality checks at both the factory and the dealership. Despite the visual discrepancy, the taillights function as intended.

Potential for a Unique Mustang

Manderano is in discussions with the dealership to replace the taillight with the AU/EU specification version. If successful, his Mustang Dark Horse will be a unique factory-produced model with these lights.


While the situation may seem like a minor issue, it highlights the importance of quality control in the automotive industry. Hopefully, Ford will address the mismatched taillights and provide a resolution for Manderano’s unique Mustang Dark Horse.

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