New Name for Oscar Mayer Wienermobile

Oscar Mayer, a company well-known for its processed meats and hot dogs, has found a unique way to stay top of mind for consumers – by taking to America’s highways with a giant rolling hot dog. The Wienermobile, as it is affectionately known, has been spreading joy wherever it goes for years. However, the company has recently announced that it will be renaming the iconic vehicle the Frankmobile as part of its “Keep It Oscar” turnaround campaign.

While technically correct, the name change has disappointed many diehard fans who are more accustomed to hearing hot dogs referred to as “wieners” rather than “franks.” Nevertheless, the rebranding efforts are unlikely to drive people away from their beloved hot dogs. In fact, the timing of the renaming is likely to generate even more interest in the brand ahead of Memorial Day and the summer grilling season.

Oscar Mayer has six vehicles to rewrap and rename, so keep your eyes peeled for the rebranded Frankmobile. And while you’re at it, be sure to look out for other rolling mascots, including the L.L. Bean Bootmobile and the Planters nuts Nutmobile.

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