“New Teslas Baking in Florida Sun: Giga Gears”

Hundreds of Brand-New Teslas Found in Overgrown Field in Florida

Hundreds of Brand-New Teslas Found in Overgrown Field in Florida


In a surprising sight, a large number of brand-new Teslas have been discovered parked in an overgrown field in Tampa, Florida. These electric vehicles, which appear to be abandoned, were spotted near the Tesla Service Center. The VINs of these vehicles indicate that they were manufactured between April and May 2024.

The Neglected Lot

The field where the Teslas are parked may not be as crowded as the EV graveyards in China, but it certainly looks neglected. The vehicles are surrounded by overgrown grass, with most of them being the updated 2024 Tesla Model 3. Towards the back, there are also examples of the pre-facelifted Model 3 and several Model Ys.

Concerns and Speculations

Questions have arisen about the condition of these vehicles, considering the scorching Florida sun and the possibility of rodents hiding in the tall grass. It is unclear how long these electric vehicles remain in this location before being delivered to their new owners.

Overflow Lot for New Model 3s

According to a local service center, the field serves as an overflow lot for the inventory of new Model 3s. Due to limited space at the main facilities in Florida and Orlando, Tesla had to find an additional location to store these vehicles.

Slowing Demand for EVs

Tesla, like many other automakers, is facing the challenge of slowing demand for electric vehicles. After a record-breaking quarter in Q4 2023, Tesla’s sales numbers have declined in Q1 and Q2 of 2024. This raises uncertainty about the company’s future prospects.


The discovery of hundreds of brand-new Teslas parked in an overgrown field in Florida has sparked curiosity and concern. While the exact reasons for their presence in this location are unclear, it is evident that Tesla is facing challenges in the current market. Only time will tell how this situation will impact the company’s future.

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