Nikola CEO: GM Once Dismissed Tesla as ‘Engineers Playing with Laptop Batteries’

GM Once Viewed Tesla As A ‘Bunch of Engineers Playing With Laptop Batteries’ Says Nikola CEO

Nikola’s newly appointed CEO, Steve Girsky, draws a striking parallel between Nikola and Tesla. Girsky, who served on GM’s board of directors from 2009 to 2016, believes that Nikola now possesses a substantial advantage over its competitors, reminiscent of the underestimated position that Tesla held during its early years.

During a Q&A session, Girsky emphasized that Tesla was frequently regarded as “just a bunch of engineers playing with laptop batteries” in the past. However, Tesla’s determination and innovative spirit allowed them to gain a 10-year head start on the entire industry. Girsky perceives Nikola as currently presented with a similar opportunity to outpace the competition.

Girsky notes that there is an infectious energy within the organization at Nikola. He attributes much of this enthusiasm to the team’s unwavering “never give up attitude.” This same spirit is what empowered Tesla to establish the significant position it holds today.

“The big guys are writing off the zero-emission trucking industry,” Girsky said. “I know they’re playing with prototypes, but they believe this tech is late-decade stuff at the earliest.” Despite the concerns about viability, Nikola has spent many years developing both all-electric and hydrogen fuel-cell trucks.

In fact, Girsky revealed that one of the brand’s gamma hydrogen fuel-cell trucks is currently in testing and recently drove an impressive 900 miles (1,448 km) in a single day. He challenges anyone to show him another “zero-emission vehicle truck anywhere” that can go that far in a day.

Tesla’s journey from being dismissed to becoming a powerhouse in the automotive industry is well-known. Automakers initially didn’t believe in profitable electric cars, but Tesla proved them wrong. Today, Tesla’s influence has encompassed the globe and has influenced almost every automaker, including those specializing in sports cars and trucks.

If Nikola can achieve even half of Tesla’s success, it will be a remarkable comeback story considering recent developments. While Nikola faces serious concerns about viability, their dedication to zero-emission trucking and their technological advancements in both electric and hydrogen fuel-cell trucks give them a fighting chance.

Nikola’s CEO, Steve Girsky, is confident in the company’s potential and draws inspiration from Tesla’s journey. He believes that Nikola’s underdog status and determination will propel them forward, just as it did for Tesla.

In conclusion, Nikola’s CEO sees parallels between Nikola and Tesla’s early years. He believes that Nikola has a substantial advantage over its competitors, similar to how Tesla was once underestimated. Girsky’s experience at GM and his observations of Tesla’s rise have given him confidence in Nikola’s potential. While there are concerns about viability, Nikola’s commitment to zero-emission trucking and their technological advancements make them a formidable player in the industry. Only time will tell if Nikola can achieve the same level of success as Tesla, but their determination and innovative spirit give them a fighting chance.

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