“Nissan Unveils Innovative Cool Paint Technology | Giga Gears”

Nissan Develops Innovative Cool Paint to Reduce Car Temperatures

Nissan Cool Paint

When it comes to choosing the color of a new car, most buyers prioritize aesthetics. However, for those living in sunny areas, the advice is often to avoid dark-colored cars due to their tendency to absorb heat. Nissan, in collaboration with Radi-Cool, a Chinese company specializing in passive cooling products, has developed a solution to this problem. They have created a new paint that can reduce external temperatures by up to 22 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Science Behind the Cool Paint

The key to the paint’s cooling properties lies in the use of metamaterials. These engineered materials possess unique properties not found in naturally occurring substances. One particle in Nissan’s paint reflects near-infrared rays, which would typically cause vibrations and heat up traditional car paint. Another particle creates electromagnetic waves that counteract the sun’s rays, redirecting heat away from the car’s surface and back into the atmosphere.

Successful Testing and Future Applications

Nissan conducted a 12-month feasibility study at the Tokyo International Air Terminal, applying the cool paint to All Nippon Airways’ Nissan NV100 ground vehicles. The results were promising, with the painted cars exhibiting a 21.6-degree Fahrenheit reduction in exterior temperature compared to cars coated in conventional paint. The interior temperature was also up to 9 degrees Fahrenheit cooler, enhancing comfort and reducing the need for air conditioning.

Although the cool paint is still six times thicker than regular automotive paint, Nissan’s team is confident in its future applications. They hope to offer the paint for special orders in a variety of colors once the thickness issue is resolved. Other manufacturers, such as Toyota and Hyundai, are also exploring passive-cooling exterior paint technologies, reflecting the industry’s commitment to improving car comfort in hot climates.

With Nissan’s innovative cool paint, car owners can enjoy a more comfortable driving experience even in scorching weather conditions.

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