“Nissan’s Fuel-Efficient ‘Cool Paint’ | Giga Gears”

Nissan’s Cool Paint Can Improve Your Car’s MPG


In the quest for greater efficiency, engineers have been exploring ways to reduce energy consumption in electric vehicles (EVs) and internal combustion engine (ICE) cars. Nissan has developed a new technology called “cool paint,” which can significantly reduce a car’s surface temperature, resulting in improved fuel efficiency.

The Impact of Temperature on Efficiency

Temperature plays a crucial role in a car’s efficiency, affecting both the engine’s performance and the cabin’s comfort. In EVs, the use of air conditioning to cool the cabin has a noticeable impact on range. By reducing the temperature of the car’s exterior surfaces, Nissan’s cool paint helps to mitigate this issue.

The Science Behind Cool Paint

Nissan’s cool paint is based on metamaterial, a synthetic composite material with unique structures not commonly found in nature. These structures have repeating patterns and are small enough to filter out specific wavelengths of light. In the case of cool paint, it filters out near-infrared light, which is responsible for generating heat in traditional paint.

The cool paint consists of two microstructure particles. One particle reflects the near-infrared light, preventing it from causing molecular vibration and generating heat. The other particle creates electromagnetic waves that redirect the sun’s energy away from the car’s surface and into the atmosphere.

Advantages and Challenges

Cool paint technology is not entirely new, as it has been used in buildings. However, developing an automotive-grade paint with similar properties has been a challenge. Nissan has tested over 100 samples to ensure the paint’s durability and resistance to salt, stone chips, peeling, scratches, and chemicals. The paint also offers good color consistency and can be repaired like conventional paints.

Future Availability

Nissan is currently conducting further testing on the cool paint technology. Once the testing is complete, the paint is expected to be available in a range of colors and for special orders. This innovative solution has the potential to improve fuel efficiency and reduce energy consumption in both EVs and ICE cars.

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