NY/NJ Police Use High-Tech Tactics Against Car Thieves | Giga Gears

Revolutionizing Auto Theft Prevention: Innovative Tactics by New York and New Jersey Police


Auto theft is a rampant issue that law enforcement agencies in New York and New Jersey are tackling head-on with cutting-edge strategies. From GPS tracking darts to intentional traffic jams, authorities are implementing various tactics to combat car theft and minimize risks associated with high-speed pursuits.

GPS Tracking Darts and Apple AirTags

One of the innovative methods being used is the deployment of GPS tracking darts and Apple AirTags. These technologies allow police to track stolen vehicles efficiently and without engaging in dangerous chases. By equipping vehicles with these devices, law enforcement can locate and recover stolen cars swiftly.

The Mitigation Plan

Another unique approach adopted by police departments involves creating intentional traffic jams, known as the “mitigation plan.” By slowing down traffic, officers can trap stolen vehicles, making it easier to apprehend suspects without resorting to high-speed pursuits. This method has shown promising results in reducing the need for risky chases.

Starchase System and Passive Technology

Law enforcement agencies are also utilizing advanced tools like the Starchase system, which includes GPS darts that can be fired at fleeing vehicles. Additionally, passive technologies such as Apple AirTags and automatic license plate readers are being used to track stolen cars efficiently. These tools enable officers to locate stolen vehicles quickly and safely.

Collaborative Efforts and Real-Time Tracking

Departments in New Jersey have embraced collaborative technologies, including real-time tracking apps, to coordinate efforts in recovering stolen vehicles. By leveraging these tools, officers can work together seamlessly to address auto theft incidents promptly.


While the effectiveness of these new tactics is still being evaluated, it is evident that law enforcement agencies are adapting to the evolving challenges of auto theft. By incorporating innovative strategies and technologies, authorities in New York and New Jersey are making significant strides in preventing car theft and enhancing public safety.

Image Credit: Apple / NYSThruway / Starchase

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