NYC Sues Kia and Hyundai for Surge in Car Thefts: The Morning Shift

Hyundai and Kia Models: The Easy-to-Steal Problem

In recent years, certain models of Hyundai and Kia cars have become notorious for being easy to steal. In fact, the problem has become so severe that some American insurers have refused to sell policies covering these models. Now, the issue has escalated to the point where New York City has filed a lawsuit against the Korean car makers.

The Easy-to-Steal Problem

The issue of easy-to-steal Hyundai and Kia models has been a growing concern for several years. Thieves have been able to steal these cars with relative ease, often using simple tools like screwdrivers and pliers. The problem has been particularly prevalent in urban areas, where car theft rates are already high.

The reason for the ease of theft is due to a flaw in the design of the cars’ keyless entry systems. Thieves are able to use a device that can intercept the signal between the car and the key fob, allowing them to unlock and start the car without needing the actual key.

Insurers Refuse to Cover Certain Models

The severity of the issue has led some American insurers to refuse to sell policies covering certain models of Hyundai and Kia cars. This is because the high rate of thefts has resulted in a significant number of insurance claims, leading to financial losses for the insurers.

The insurers have also pointed out that the cost of replacing stolen cars is higher than the cost of repairing cars that have been damaged in accidents. This is because stolen cars often require replacement parts and additional labor costs, which can be more expensive than repairing a damaged car.

New York City’s Lawsuit

The issue of easy-to-steal Hyundai and Kia models has now led to a lawsuit by New York City against the Korean car makers. The lawsuit alleges that Hyundai and Kia knew about the design flaw in their keyless entry systems but failed to take adequate steps to address it.

The lawsuit also claims that the car makers misled consumers by advertising their cars as safe and secure, despite knowing about the flaw in the keyless entry system. The lawsuit seeks damages for the cost of stolen cars, as well as punitive damages.

Hyundai and Kia’s Response

Hyundai and Kia have responded to the lawsuit by stating that they take the issue of car theft seriously and have taken steps to address the problem. The car makers have pointed out that they have implemented a software update for their keyless entry systems, which is designed to prevent thieves from intercepting the signal between the car and the key fob.

Hyundai and Kia have also stated that they have been working with law enforcement agencies to address the issue of car theft. The car makers have provided training to police officers on how to identify stolen cars and have offered rewards for information leading to the arrest of car thieves.

Secondary Headers:

The Easy-to-Steal Problem

Insurers Refuse to Cover Certain Models

New York City’s Lawsuit

Hyundai and Kia’s Response


The issue of easy-to-steal Hyundai and Kia models has become a significant problem in recent years. The flaw in the design of the cars’ keyless entry systems has made them vulnerable to theft, leading to financial losses for insurers and frustration for car owners. The lawsuit by New York City against Hyundai and Kia highlights the seriousness of the issue and the need for car makers to take responsibility for ensuring the safety and security of their products. While Hyundai and Kia have taken steps to address the problem, it remains to be seen whether these measures will be sufficient to prevent further thefts in the future.

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