Parents Sue VW for Refusing to Aid Police in Carjacking of Baby

Family Files Lawsuit Against VW for Refusing to Help Locate Carjacked Vehicle with Toddler Inside

A family is taking legal action against Volkswagen (VW) after the company declined to assist them in locating their carjacked vehicle, which had their young son inside. Shockingly, VW demanded a $150 subscription fee from either the parents or the police before offering any help.

The Disturbing Incident

In a distressing turn of events, a family experienced every parent’s worst nightmare when their car was stolen with their toddler still inside. Desperate to find their child, the parents immediately contacted VW for assistance. However, instead of providing the necessary help, VW shockingly demanded a $150 subscription fee before taking any action.

Refusal to Help Without Payment

The family was appalled by VW’s response, as they believed that the safety and well-being of their child should be the company’s top priority. They argued that in such critical situations, every second counts, and any delay caused by payment procedures could have had devastating consequences.

Despite the family’s pleas and the involvement of law enforcement, VW remained steadfast in their demand for payment. This forced the parents to take matters into their own hands and engage in a frantic search for their car and child.

Legal Action Against VW

Due to VW’s refusal to assist without payment, the family has decided to file a lawsuit against the company. They firmly believe that VW’s actions were not only morally wrong but also potentially endangered the life of their child.

The family’s lawyer stated, “VW’s behavior in this situation is completely unacceptable. They had the means to help locate the car and ensure the safety of the child, yet they prioritized financial gain over human life. We will fight for justice and hold VW accountable for their negligence.”


This distressing incident highlights the importance of prioritizing human life over financial gain. The family’s lawsuit against VW seeks not only compensation for the trauma they endured but also aims to bring attention to the need for companies to have ethical protocols in place when dealing with emergencies.

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