Polestar 1 Owners Receive Battery Replacement in Latest Recall for Fire Risk

Polestar Recalls 66 Units of Its 1 Grand Touring Plug-In Hybrid Due to Fire Risk

Polestar, the Swedish automaker, has issued a recall for 66 units of its 1 grand touring plug-in hybrid due to the risk of fire when the cars are fully charged. The recall is a permanent fix for a previously discovered problem. The automaker has confirmed that each car will receive a new battery, which takes nearly 20 hours to replace.

The recall was first issued in late 2022, and the automaker did not provide detailed information about the cause of the problem. However, it confirmed that the 1 PHEVs presented a fire risk when fully charged. In December 2022, the initial recall featured a software remedy that reduced the amount of charge that one could reach, limiting range but eliminating the fire risk.

Polestar is now moving forward with a complete solution that requires the removal and replacement of the battery itself. This means that Polestar 1 owners will receive a fresh brand new battery and none of the risk associated with the old one, allowing them to regain their full range.

All affected 1s were built between September 11, 2019, and May 12, 2021. The automaker sent notifications to all owners during the initial recall, and they will be updated again now that a full fix is ready. At this point, there is no indication of any knowledge of models that might have already experienced a ‘thermal incident,’ such as a fire.

Although Polestar has not provided much information about how and why thermal events can occur in this battery pack, it is clear about what it takes to eliminate the risk. Each affected 1 will receive a brand-new battery that takes 19.9 hours to replace. This is a long and expensive job for Polestar, but it is clearly in the interest of safety above all else.

If you want to know if your vehicle is affected, you can contact your local Polestar dealer or search the NHTSA database online. If your 1 is included, be prepared for a fix that takes at least a few days.

Secondary Headers:

What is the Polestar 1 Grand Touring Plug-In Hybrid?

Polestar Issues Recall for 66 Units of Its 1 Grand Touring Plug-In Hybrid

Polestar’s Initial Recall and Temporary Solution

Polestar’s Permanent Fix for the Fire Risk

How to Check if Your Vehicle is Affected by the Recall

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