Police Stop Honda Civic Pursuit With PIT Maneuver at 126 MPH | Giga Gears

Title: Arkansas State Police Officer Ends High-Speed Pursuit with Precision PIT Maneuver


Arkansas State Police Officer Jackson Shumate recently demonstrated the swift and effective use of a Precision Immobilization Technique (PIT) maneuver to bring a high-speed pursuit to an end. In just over five minutes, Officer Shumate successfully engaged and immobilized a Honda Civic traveling at 126 mph (202 km/h). This article explores the Arkansas State Police’s approach to pursuing suspects and highlights the importance of using safe and effective tactics in such situations.

The Arkansas State Police’s Pursuit Strategy

The Arkansas State Police are renowned for their willingness to employ PIT maneuvers during high-speed pursuits. While some may question the safety of this tactic, it has proven successful in apprehending fleeing suspects on numerous occasions. The recent incident involving a Honda Civic showcases the effectiveness of this technique.

Officer Shumate’s Swift Response

Officer Shumate was in the process of concluding a routine stop of a tractor-trailer when he noticed North Little Rock Police officers chasing the Honda Civic. Without hesitation, Shumate abandoned his initial stop and joined the pursuit. This quick response demonstrates the dedication and commitment of Arkansas State Police officers to ensuring public safety.

The High-Speed Chase

The pursuit initially led the officers westbound on I-40 before the suspect exited the highway and turned south. After a few blocks, the suspect reentered the highway, this time heading eastbound on I-40. Officer Shumate caught up with the pursuit and communicated his position to the North Little Rock Police Department.

As the chase continued onto Highway 67/167 towards Sherwood and Jacksonville, the early morning hour ensured light traffic, allowing Officer Shumate to reach speeds of 146 mph (234 km/h) in his efforts to apprehend the Honda Civic.

The Precision PIT Maneuver

As Officer Shumate and the Honda Civic approached a single third-party vehicle in the right lane, he accelerated and made contact with the rear driver’s side quarter panel of the suspect’s vehicle. This precise PIT maneuver caused the Civic to veer sharply to the left, collide with a barrier, and then drift back to the right, ultimately crashing into a concrete pillar off the highway.

Apprehension and Safety Concerns

While the video does not provide details about the suspect, it captures the moment when law enforcement officers handcuff him. It is worth noting that a minor was present in the passenger seat, although their appearance is blurred in the video.

Using a PIT maneuver at such high speeds carries inherent risks for all parties involved, including officers, suspects, and innocent bystanders. However, when executed with precision and under controlled circumstances, this technique has proven effective in swiftly ending pursuits while minimizing potential harm.


Officer Jackson Shumate’s rapid response and skillful execution of a PIT maneuver brought a high-speed pursuit to a safe and successful conclusion. The Arkansas State Police’s commitment to public safety is evident in their proactive approach to apprehending suspects. While the use of PIT maneuvers carries inherent risks, when employed judiciously, they can effectively end pursuits and prevent further danger to the public.

Image Credit: Police Pursuits

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