“Porsche 919 Hybrid Le Mans Winner Transformed into Snowcat”

The Porsche F.A.T. 919 Snowcat: A Unique Hybrid Creation


The Porsche F.A.T. 919 Snowcat is a one-of-a-kind creation that made its debut at a snowy event in 2023. Now, it has captured the attention of automotive designers at the prestigious Car // Design Event 2024.

Unique Features

  • This extraordinary vehicle combines the tracks of a snow grooming machine with the Le Mans-winning Porsche 919 Hybrid.

A New Purpose for Racing Prototypes

After the excitement of racing events like the 24 Hours of Le Mans fades, many purpose-built racecars become outdated and expensive to maintain. However, Porsche has found an innovative new purpose for one of its 919 Hybrid racecars.

The Story Behind the Creation

The F.A.T. 919 Snowcat was originally assembled for the F.A.T. Mankei 2023 event in the Austrian Alps. The vehicle was designed to provide all-season mobility for a restaurant manager located at the top of the Glockner Pass, a place of historical significance for Porsche.

Design and Performance

The F.A.T. 919 Snowcat features tracks borrowed from snow grooming machines, giving it a unique appearance reminiscent of Porsche’s iconic tractors. Despite its transformation, the vehicle retains the aerodynamic design of a prototype racecar.

In its prime, the 919 Hybrid was a fierce competitor, winning the 24 Hours of Le Mans multiple times with its powerful hybrid powertrain. While the Snowcat version may be heavier, it still embodies the spirit of innovation and performance.


The Porsche F.A.T. 919 Snowcat is a testament to creativity and engineering excellence, showcasing the endless possibilities for repurposing racing technology in unconventional ways.

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