Porsche’s New Dispute with Singer: Exclusive Details | Giga Gears

**The Legal Battle Between Singer and Porsche: A Deep Dive**

**Singer’s Porsche Restorations: A Legal Dispute Unveiled**

Singer, known for its reimagined 911s, faced a legal battle with Porsche in 2024. The core issue revolved around whether Singer’s creations, particularly the DLS and DLS Turbo models, still maintained enough resemblance to a Porsche to use the brand’s branding. The lawsuit was settled with undisclosed terms, allowing Singer to continue building DLS models and likely establishing a revised agreement with Porsche.

**The Genesis of the Legal Dispute**

Porsche’s objection to Singer’s use of its branding on the ACS (All-Terrain Competition Study) in 2021 marked the beginning of the legal tussle. The ACS, a radical rally-style 964 commissioned by a Singer client, raised concerns for Porsche regarding potential misinterpretation of its involvement in the project. This incident set the stage for the subsequent legal battle that unfolded in 2024.

**The 2024 Lawsuit Unveiled**

Recent reports revealed that Porsche filed a complaint against Singer in February 2024, leading to a legal dispute that was resolved by March of the same year. While many assumed the case was related to the ACS, court documents shed light on a more intricate conflict between the two entities.

**The Secret Agreement**

In a surprising revelation, court filings disclosed a binding contract established in April 2012 between Porsche and Singer. This agreement outlined the boundaries of Singer’s use of Porsche’s trademarks and intellectual property. It mandated that Singer’s builds must retain the essence of Porsche road cars and limit new car production, emphasizing restoration over new creations.

**The DLS Controversy**

The introduction of the DLS model by Singer sparked controversy due to its extensive modifications that pushed the boundaries of traditional Porsche designs. Porsche argued that the DLS strayed too far from the original 911 concept, posing challenges to its brand identity. The subsequent release of the DLS Turbo further exacerbated the dispute, leading to legal action by Porsche.

**Resolution and Future Prospects**

While the terms of the settlement remain confidential, both Singer and Porsche have reached an agreement to resolve their differences. Singer reassures customers that production will continue as planned, ensuring the completion of remaining DLS Turbo commissions. Moving forward, Singer remains committed to reimagining Porsche’s iconic models while upholding brand integrity.


The legal battle between Singer and Porsche sheds light on the complexities of intellectual property rights in the automotive industry. While both parties have resolved their differences, the incident underscores the importance of respecting brand identities and upholding contractual agreements in collaborative ventures. As Singer continues to innovate and push boundaries in automotive design, the industry awaits future developments with anticipation.

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