Pregnant Woman’s Car Survives Tornado Toss

**Title: Pregnant Woman Survives Terrifying Tornado Car Crash**


In a miraculous turn of events, a young pregnant woman narrowly escaped a devastating car crash caused by a powerful tornado. The incident, which occurred on US-52, left the woman’s car lifted off the ground, flipped in midair, and collided with another vehicle. Despite the terrifying ordeal, the expectant mother managed to walk away with only minor injuries. This article explores the details of the incident, the woman’s perspective, and the importance of staying safe during severe weather conditions.

**The Terrifying Tornado Car Crash**

On a fateful day, a 21-year-old pregnant woman was driving along US-52 when a powerful tornado suddenly struck. The tornado lifted her car off the ground, spinning it in midair before crashing it into another vehicle traveling alongside her. The impact of the collision was undoubtedly jarring, but incredibly, both drivers survived with only minor injuries.

**Gratitude for Survival**

Speaking to WCSC, the expectant mother expressed her gratitude for being alive after such a harrowing experience. She described her first thought after the crash as being thankful for her safety and that of her unborn child. The incident serves as a reminder of the unpredictability and destructive power of tornadoes, but also highlights the importance of remaining calm and focused during such emergencies.

**Staying Safe During Severe Weather**

This incident underscores the significance of being prepared and staying safe during severe weather conditions, particularly tornadoes. Here are some essential tips to remember:

1. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on weather forecasts and warnings issued by local authorities. Stay tuned to news updates and be aware of any severe weather alerts in your area.

2. Seek Shelter: If you find yourself in a vehicle during a tornado warning, do not attempt to outrun the storm. Instead, seek shelter immediately. Ideally, find a sturdy building or a designated tornado shelter. If that is not possible, try to get to the lowest level of the nearest building and take cover in a small, windowless interior room.

3. Buckle Up: Always wear your seatbelt while driving. In the event of a collision or being caught in severe weather, seatbelts can significantly reduce the risk of injury.

4. Stay Calm: During a tornado or any other severe weather event, it is crucial to remain calm and focused. Panic can cloud judgment and hinder your ability to make quick decisions.

5. Avoid Overpasses: Contrary to popular belief, seeking shelter under an overpass during a tornado is extremely dangerous. Overpasses can create wind tunnels, intensifying the force of the tornado and increasing the risk of debris impact.

6. Stay Away from Windows: If you are indoors during a tornado, move away from windows and seek shelter in an interior room. Flying debris from shattered glass can cause severe injuries.

7. Have an Emergency Kit: Prepare an emergency kit with essential supplies such as water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, and a battery-powered radio. This kit will come in handy during power outages or if you need to evacuate.


The survival of the pregnant woman in this tornado-induced car crash is nothing short of a miracle. It serves as a reminder of the importance of being prepared and staying safe during severe weather events. By staying informed, seeking shelter, and remaining calm, individuals can significantly increase their chances of surviving such incidents. Remember to prioritize your safety and the safety of others during severe weather conditions, as it can make all the difference between life and tragedy.

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