Race Leader Pushes BMW M4 GT4 Over Finish Line After Running Out Of Fuel

Last Lap Drama: Max Orido Runs Out of Fuel Just Feet Away from Victory

In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Japanese racer Max Orido had victory snatched away from him at the last possible moment during the Asian GT4 racing series at Okayama International Circuit. Orido, driving the BMW M4 GT4, and his teammate Masaki Kano had led every lap of the race until disaster struck on the final lap.

Running on Empty

As Orido’s M4 GT4 started to slow down, it wasn’t immediately clear what was happening. Some speculated that Orido was intentionally slowing down to run out the clock and avoid an additional lap. However, it soon became apparent that the car was simply running out of fuel. The second-place Toyota GR Supra GT4, driven by Haridarma Manoppo and Seita Nonaka, seized the opportunity and sped past the stricken M4 GT4 to claim victory.

A Desperate Push

Realizing that victory was slipping away, Orido made a split-second decision. He got out of the car and began pushing it down the final straight. With sheer determination, he managed to get the car across the finish line. However, his efforts were in vain as five other cars overtook him, relegating him to a sixth-place finish. It was a bitter disappointment for the YZ Racing with BMW M Team Studie M4 GT4, who had been on track for a dominant victory.

Championship Dreams Dashed

The consequences of running out of fuel extended beyond losing a single race. If Orido had secured the win, his team would have also clinched the driver’s championship title. Unfortunately, their dreams were shattered by the lack of fuel economy. However, fate smiled upon them as they were given another chance to redeem themselves the following day.

Redemption on Sunday

On Sunday, Masaki Kano and Max Orido returned to the track with renewed determination. They were determined to prove that their previous misfortune was nothing more than a temporary setback. In a thrilling display of skill and perseverance, they emerged victorious, securing the 2023 Fanatex Japan Cup drivers’ championship title.

A Triumph of Spirit

After the heartbreak of the previous day, it was impossible not to feel joy for Kano and Orido. Their unwavering dedication and passion for the sport were evident in their earnest final push. They wanted the title with every fiber of their being, and their victory was a testament to their indomitable spirit.

The Power of Resilience

Orido’s last lap drama serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of motorsports. Even the most skilled and experienced drivers can face unexpected challenges that can turn a seemingly certain victory into a devastating defeat. However, it is how they respond to these setbacks that truly defines them as athletes.

In this case, Orido’s determination to push his car across the finish line symbolizes the resilience and never-give-up attitude that is required in the world of racing. It is a lesson that extends beyond the track and can inspire individuals in all aspects of life.


Max Orido’s heartbreaking last lap drama serves as a cautionary tale for racers and fans alike. It highlights the importance of fuel management and the potential consequences of underestimating this crucial aspect of racing. However, it also showcases the power of resilience and the ability to bounce back from disappointment. Ultimately, Orido’s story is one of triumph over adversity and a reminder that true champions never give up, no matter how challenging the circumstances may be.

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