Rats Driving Cars: Giga Gears

**Canada’s Self-Driving Rats: A New Phenomenon**

Canada is known for many things, from its universal healthcare to its lower cost of living compared to the United States. But now, a new phenomenon has emerged – rats driving cars. Yes, you read that right. Rats in Canada are now capable of driving cars, showcasing their intelligence and adaptability.

**The Rise of Self-Driving Rats**

In the past, we have seen self-driving rats in controlled laboratory settings. However, Kuzko and Kronk, Canada’s viral self-driving rats, have taken it to a whole new level. These rats have learned how to drive cars on their own, without any human intervention. It’s a fascinating and somewhat bizarre development that has captured the attention of many.

**A Unique Achievement**

The ability of rats to drive cars highlights their cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills. It’s a testament to their intelligence and adaptability in various environments. The viral video of Kuzko and Kronk driving cars has garnered widespread attention and sparked discussions about the capabilities of these creatures.

**Final Thoughts**

The self-driving rats in Canada are a unique and intriguing phenomenon that showcases the intelligence of these creatures. As we continue to uncover the depths of animal cognition, who knows what other surprises may be in store. Keep an eye out for more updates on Kuzko and Kronk, the driving sensations from the Great White North.

To learn more about Canada’s self-driving rats and their incredible journey behind the wheel, [click here](https://jalopnik.com/hell-yeah-rats-driving-cars-1851567382).

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