Red Bull F1 Team’s Pit Stop Challenge in Darkness | Giga Gears

Red Bull’s Pit Stop Challenge in Complete Darkness

Red Bull Pit Stop Challenge

Formula One teams are known for their precision and speed during pit stops. Every millisecond counts in a race, and teams strive to minimize their time in the pits. Red Bull recently took on a unique challenge by attempting to complete a pit stop in complete darkness.

The Experiment

Red Bull gathered its mechanics in a garage and informed them that their performance would be measured with all the lights turned off. The entire process was filmed for the world to see. The question at hand was whether the team could successfully complete a pit stop with their eyes closed.


Before attempting the pit stop in complete darkness, the team practiced with their helmet visors blacked out. Surprisingly, they were able to change all four tires in less than 10 seconds from their very first attempt. However, as they tried to speed up, challenges arose. From stripping nuts to missing the tire completely, the team faced difficulties but eventually managed to cut their time down to less than five seconds.

After continuous practice and improvement, the team achieved a time of 2.84 seconds. Although this time would be considered sub-optimal during a race, it is still impressive. It is only 1.4 seconds slower than the fastest-ever pit stop, which was set by McLaren at the Qatar Grand Prix this year.


Red Bull’s pit stop challenge in complete darkness showcased the team’s skill and determination. Despite the challenges faced, they were able to achieve remarkable times and come close to their race performance. This experiment highlights the precision and expertise required in Formula One pit stops.

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