Renault CEO Urges Europe to Support Auto Industry and Explore E-Fuels and Hydrogen

Renault CEO Luca de Meo’s Open Letter to Europe: Addressing Challenges in the Automotive Industry


As Europeans prepare to vote for their representatives in the European Parliament, Renault CEO Luca de Meo has penned an open letter outlining the challenges faced by the automotive industry and advocating for policy changes.

The Unique Challenge Faced by the Automotive Industry

De Meo highlights the dual challenge of decarbonization and technological transformation that the automotive industry is currently undergoing. The shift towards becoming mobility providers while reducing carbon emissions presents a significant hurdle for European car manufacturers.

Disadvantages Faced by European Automakers

De Meo expresses concern that European car companies are at a disadvantage compared to their Chinese and American counterparts. China’s heavy investment in the auto sector and tax incentives for EVs in the U.S. put European automakers in a challenging position, exacerbated by stringent environmental regulations.

Proposed Solutions: A Six-Point Plan

De Meo proposes a six-point plan to address these issues:

  1. Develop an industrial strategy for the automotive sector within the EU.
  2. Engage with scientists, unions, and NGOs to create a supportive strategy for the industry.
  3. Establish a regulatory body to oversee new rules affecting automakers.
  4. Enhance access to green energy for drivers.
  5. Boost Europe’s software expertise and raw material supply for vehicles.
  6. Support the industry with a model combining U.S. and Chinese strategies.

Diversifying Green Technologies

De Meo emphasizes the importance of not solely focusing on EVs as green technology. He advocates for exploring e-fuels and hydrogen as viable alternatives for the future. Additionally, he calls for increased investment in smaller, lighter, and more affordable vehicles that have been impacted by safety and emissions regulations.

Promoting Collaboration and Innovation

De Meo urges the EU to facilitate collaboration among European automakers by standardizing vehicle-to-infrastructure technology and sharing hidden software components. By fostering cooperation similar to China’s shared parts banks, European automakers can maintain their global competitiveness.


In conclusion, De Meo believes that through public-private partnerships and collaborative initiatives, the European automotive industry can overcome its current challenges and thrive. By learning from successful examples like Airbus, he envisions a revitalized industry that embraces innovation and sustainability.

Photos courtesy of Renault

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