“Repossessions Increase by 23% Due to High Car Payments | Giga Gears”

The Rise in Car Repossessions: A 23% Increase in 2024


Recent data indicates a significant surge in car repossessions in the US, with a 23% increase compared to the previous year. This rise is attributed to various factors, including higher interest rates impacting loan payments and overall financial strain on American drivers.

Key Findings

  • Car repossessions have increased by 23% in 2024.
  • Numbers have returned to pre-pandemic levels after a decline in 2021 and 2022.
  • Analysts link the spike to rising interest rates affecting loan affordability.


The repo industry has seen a busy year, with a notable uptick in car seizures across the country. According to Cox Automotive data, repossession rates have now reached levels similar to those before the pandemic, following a sharp decline in the previous two years. The projected numbers for 2024 suggest that 1.6 million vehicles could be repossessed by the year-end, marking a significant increase from previous years.

Financial Strain on American Drivers

The surge in car repossessions serves as a barometer for the financial challenges faced by American consumers. High-interest rates have contributed to the escalating costs of car loans, coupled with rising living expenses such as food and energy prices. Despite recent fluctuations in inflation rates, individuals have less disposable income today than in previous years, leading to payment delinquencies and increased repossessions.

Future Projections

Cox Automotive predicts that repo rates will continue to rise in the coming years, with estimates reaching 1.7 million in 2025 and potentially hitting 1.8 million between 2026-2029. This trend indicates a sustained demand for repossession services, benefiting industry stakeholders like Jerr-Dan, a prominent manufacturer of heavy-duty wreckers in the US.


As car repossessions climb to record levels, the repo industry anticipates continued growth and demand for its services. While challenges persist for American drivers facing financial constraints, companies like Jerr-Dan stand to benefit from the evolving landscape of vehicle repossession.

Image credit: Jerr-Dan

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