San Francisco Urges More Robotaxi Oversight After 10 Cruise AVs Cause Traffic Jam

Title: Autonomous Vehicle Traffic Jam in San Francisco Raises Concerns About Safety and Oversight


Timing is a crucial aspect of driving, and autonomous vehicle manufacturer Cruise recently experienced the consequences of poor timing when a traffic jam caused by its vehicles disrupted the streets of San Francisco. This incident, which involved approximately 10 Cruise vehicles blocking traffic for about 15 minutes, has sparked concerns about the readiness and safety of autonomous vehicles. In this article, we will explore the details of the traffic jam, the reasons behind it, and the implications for autonomous vehicle oversight.

The Traffic Jam Incident

Photos and videos of the traffic jam caused by Cruise vehicles have gone viral on social media platforms. The vehicles were attempting to navigate the streets on a Friday night when a series of errors led to the congestion on Vallejo Street, as well as Grant and Columbus Avenues. This incident stands out as the largest traffic jam comprised entirely of autonomous vehicles to date.

Coincidental Timing

Remarkably, this traffic jam occurred just one day after the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) granted Cruise and Waymo permission to operate in San Francisco and parts of San Mateo County 24 hours a day. The decision aimed to expand the testing and deployment of autonomous vehicles in the region. However, the incident has raised questions about whether these vehicles are truly ready for widespread use.

Causes and Consequences

Cruise attributed the traffic jam to wireless bandwidth constraints related to the nearby Outside Lands Music Festival. The festival’s demands on connectivity reportedly caused delays in communication with the autonomous vehicles, leading to the congestion. Fortunately, no injuries or accidents were reported during this incident. Nevertheless, San Francisco Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin described the traffic jam as dangerous and highlighted concerns about the city’s preparedness for such incidents.

Calls for Increased Oversight

Peskin emphasized that this incident demonstrated that autonomous vehicles are not yet ready for prime time. He expressed worry about the vehicles’ reliance on cell service to navigate out of traffic and raised concerns about their performance during natural disasters. As a result, the city of San Francisco is urging the governor to enhance oversight over autonomous vehicles, given that the state approved their expanded use in the city.


The recent traffic jam caused by Cruise vehicles in San Francisco has shed light on the challenges and limitations of autonomous vehicles. While no injuries or accidents occurred during this incident, it has raised concerns about the readiness and safety of autonomous vehicles operating in real-world conditions. The incident’s timing, occurring just after the expansion of autonomous vehicle operating hours, has sparked discussions about the need for increased oversight and regulation. As technology continues to advance, it is crucial to address these concerns to ensure the safe and efficient integration of autonomous vehicles into our transportation systems.

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