“Saw Blade Wheels for Dirt Bikes: Rip on Frozen Lakes with Ice Still Around | Giga Gears”

The Truth About Saw Blade Wheels on Dirt Bikes

Are Saw Blade Wheels Better Than Studded Tires on Ice?

Studded tires are known for their ability to grip onto ice and provide traction on slippery surfaces. But what if you replaced those studs with saw blade wheels? Would they be even more effective at cutting through the ice and improving traction? The answer might surprise you.

The Experiment: CboysTV on YouTube

A group of enthusiasts from CboysTV decided to put this theory to the test. They equipped a dirt bike with saw blade wheels and took it out onto a frozen lake to see how it would perform. The results were unexpected, to say the least.

What They Discovered

Contrary to popular belief, saw blade wheels did not outperform studded tires on ice. In fact, they struggled to gain traction and maintain control on the slippery surface. The saw blades were not able to dig into the ice like the studs, leading to a less stable and more dangerous riding experience.


While saw blade wheels may seem like a novel idea for improving traction on ice, the reality is that they are not as effective as traditional studded tires. It’s important to stick with proven methods when it comes to riding in challenging conditions to ensure your safety and enjoyment.

Interested in learning more about this experiment? Read the full article here.

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