“School Bus Driver Allegedly Drives Slowly in Heat to Discipline Students | Giga Gears”

School Bus Driver Accused of Intentionally Driving Slowly in Extreme Heat

A school bus driver in Texas is facing allegations of purposely driving slowly with all the windows closed in scorching temperatures, as a means of punishing the students on her route. While the school district is supporting the driver’s actions, a video of the incident has raised concerns.

The Allegations

Last week, a school bus driver in Texas allegedly drove at an extremely slow speed, with all the windows on the bus rolled up, despite the near-100-degree heat. The motive behind this behavior was believed to be a form of punishment for the children on her route.

The School District’s Response

Despite the serious allegations against the bus driver, the school district has chosen to stand by their employee’s actions. They have not provided any explanation for their support, leaving many questioning their decision.

The Video Evidence

A video capturing the incident has surfaced, adding weight to the accusations against the bus driver. The footage shows the bus moving at an unusually slow pace, while the children inside appear visibly uncomfortable due to the extreme heat and lack of ventilation.

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